BandeauAfrob 3

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Hello dear members,

Here we are finally in spring 2024 after a mild winter... and an eclipse to start spring, this exceptional event which attracted people towards the most advantageous trajectory to observe it.

These are the events that, through their rarity, attract people because we want to witness moments that may never happen again in our lifetime, like the moment when the first man set foot on the moon.

It brings me back to lots of fond memories that I experienced or that were told to me by my parents and grandparents, and which will probably be forgotten if no trace is left.

Our association of families tries to recover these memories linked to the Robitaille families from the information left by our predecessors. However, the sources are decreasing and so are the good subjects. We need you, your support, your family stories, your ideas and perhaps your availability to keep our association attractive.

I am aware that we are all getting older, less enthusiastic to get involved and, with the next generation not very interested, the challenge is great. Your board of directors is also aging and needs to renew itself. During our June meeting, we hope that you will be able to give us your support, your availability and interest in your association.

Marc Robitaille, President